Monthly River Run-off Data Page

Global Attributes 13

title RTM History file information
comment NOTE: None of the variables are weighted by land fraction!
Conventions CF-1.0
history Mon May 24 17:33:26 2021: ncap2 -O -s time=array(31,1,$time) /scratch/group/ihesp/archive/B.E.13.BRCP85C5CN.ne120_t12.sehires38.003.sunway.CN_OFF/rtm/monthly/ /scratch/group/ihesp/archive/B.E.13.BRCP85C5CN.ne120_t12.sehires38.003.sunway.CN_OFF/rtm/monthly/\ncreated on 04/08/20 15:44:02
source Community Land Model CLM4.0
hostname sunway
username cesm01
version cesm1_3_beta17
revision_id $Id: histFileMod.F90 36692 2012-04-27 18:39:55Z tcraig $
case_title UNSET
case_id B.E.13.BRCP85C5CN.ne120_t12.sehires38.003.sunway.CN_OFF
NCO netCDF Operators version 4.9.7 (Homepage =, Code =

Dimension Shape 13

time 120

type dtype(float32)
long_name time
units days since 2006-01-01 00:00:00
calendar noleap
bounds time_bounds

lon 720

type dtype(float32)
long_name runoff coordinate longitude
units degrees_east

lat 360

type dtype(float32)
long_name runoff coordinate latitude
units degrees_north

hist_interval 2

WARNING does not contain variable attributes

string_length 8

WARNING does not contain variable attributes

string1 1

WARNING does not contain variable attributes

mcdate 120

type dtype(int32)
long_name current date (YYYYMMDD)

mcsec 120

type dtype(int32)
long_name current seconds of current date
units s

mdcur 120

type dtype(int32)
long_name current day (from base day)

mscur 120

type dtype(int32)
long_name current seconds of current day

nstep 120

type dtype(int32)
long_name time step

time_bounds 240

type dtype(float64)
long_name history time interval endpoints

fthresh 259200

type dtype(float32)
_FillValue 1e+36
long_name flooding threshold
units m3
missing_value 1e+36

Variables Information 6

time_written (time, string_length, string1) 960

type dtype(S1)

QCHANR (time, lat, lon) 31104000

type dtype(float32)
_FillValue 1e+36
long_name RTM river flow: LIQ
units m3/s
cell_methods time: mean
missing_value 1e+36

QCHANR_ICE (time, lat, lon) 31104000

type dtype(float32)
_FillValue 1e+36
long_name RTM river flow: ICE
units m3/s
cell_methods time: mean
missing_value 1e+36

QCHOCNR_ICE (time, lat, lon) 31104000

type dtype(float32)
_FillValue 1e+36
long_name RTM river discharge into ocean: ICE
units m3/s
cell_methods time: mean
missing_value 1e+36

QCHOCNR (time, lat, lon) 30844800

type dtype(float32)
_FillValue 1e+36
long_name RTM river discharge into ocean: LIQ
units m3/s
cell_methods time: mean
missing_value 1e+36

date_written (time, string_length, string1) 960

type dtype(S1)
_FillValue b1

Data Notes

  • The river run-off variables do not contain month 2075-06, due to hardware failures. There is no placeholder data for the missing data.

Download links


To download all the files automatically with wget, please download the rof file list and run with wget -i rof_list.txt or cat rof_list.txt | parallel --gnu "wget {}" to use GNU Parallel to download the files in parallel.

You also have the option to browse and download variables selectively using the links provided for each variable
VariableSize X TypeDescriptionData CoverageDownload link
time_written (time, string_length, string1) 960 X (S1) 2006-01 - 2102-02 THREDDS
QCHANR (time, lat, lon) 31104000 X (float32) RTM river flow: LIQ (m3/s) 2006-01 - 2102-02 THREDDS
QCHANR_ICE (time, lat, lon) 31104000 X (float32) RTM river flow: ICE (m3/s) 2006-01 - 2102-02 THREDDS
QCHOCNR_ICE (time, lat, lon) 31104000 X (float32) RTM river discharge into ocean: ICE (m3/s) 2006-01 - 2102-02 THREDDS
QCHOCNR (time, lat, lon) 30844800 X (float32) RTM river discharge into ocean: LIQ (m3/s) 2006-01 - 2102-02 THREDDS
date_written (time, string_length, string1) 960 X (S1) 2006-01 - 2102-02 THREDDS
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