Porting R-CESM to new machines

An RCESM case directory contains all of the configuration xml files, case control scripts, and namelists to start a RCESM run. It also contains the README document which contains information about the case as it was created, and the CaseStatus document that keeps track of changes as you go.

  • Edit the my_rcesm_sandbox/cime/config/cesm/machines/config_machines.xml file to point to correct input file directories and output file locations before creating a case. An example on Ada.

<machine MACH="grace">



    <mpirun mpilib="impi">
         <arg name="num_tasks"> -np $TOTALPES</arg>
    <module_system type="module">
        <command name="purge"></command>
        <command name="load">intel/2019b</command>
        <command name="load">PnetCDF/1.12.1</command>
        <command name="load">netCDF/4.7.4</command>
        <command name="load">netCDF-Fortran/4.5.3</command>
      <env name="NETCDF_PATH">$IHESP/software/easybuild/eb/x86_64/sw/netCDF/4.7.4-iimpi-2019b</env>
      <env name="PNETCDF_PATH">$IHESP/software/easybuild/eb/x86_64/sw/PnetCDF/1.12.1-iimpi-2019b</env>
      <env name="NETCDFF_INCDIR">$IHESP/software/easybuild/eb/x86_64/sw/netCDF-Fortran/4.5.3-iimpi-2019b/include</env>

<compiler MACH="grace" COMPILER="intel">
        <append>-L$(NETCDF_C_PATH)/lib -Wl,-rpath,$(NETCDF_PATH)/lib -lnetcdf</append>
        <append>-L$(NETCDF_FORTRAN_PATH)/lib -Wl,-rpath,$(NETCDF_FORTRAN_PATH)/lib -lnetcdff</append>
        <append>-L$(PNETCDF_PATH)/lib -Wl,-rpath,$(PNETCDF_PATH)/lib -lpnetcdf</append>
<batch_system MACH="grace" type="slurm" >
      <arg flag="--time" name="$JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME"/>
      <arg flag="-p" name="$JOB_QUEUE"/>
    <directive>--mem=360GB </directive>
      <queue walltimemax="02:00:00" nodemin="1" nodemax="32">short</queue>
      <queue walltimemax="24:00:00" nodemin="1" nodemax="128" default="true">medium</queue>
      <queue walltimemax="168:00:00" nodemin="1" nodemax="64" >long</queue>
      <queue walltimemax="504:00:00" nodemin="1" nodemax="32" >xlong</queue>
      <queue walltimemax="24:00:00" nodemin="1" nodemax="800" >special</queue>

The default CRESM code and test cases are tuned to work on TAMU Ada. For porting it on to other machines, some changes may be required as detailed in this section.



On TAMU Ada, the following settings worked fine (last test Sep/2017) for Fortran, C, MPI, netCDF and pnetcdf libraries.

[user@comp]$ module purge
[user@comp]$ module load wrf-deps/intel-2015B
[user@comp]$ module load pnetcdf/1.6.1-intel-2015B

The default CRESM source code and test cases may be used without any modification on TAMU Ada.

A note about pnetcdf on Ada. On Ada “filesystem-hints=gpfs” (while installing pio), and “stripingunit=16777216” (run_cresm.job). For reference, the complete environmental variables for run_cresm.job on Ada is provided below:

ulimit -s unlimited
module purge
module load wrf-deps/intel-2015B
module load pnetcdf/1.6.1-intel-2015B
# set following to the number of hosts ie. (-n value)/(ptile value)
export PNETCDF_HINTS="striping_unit=16777216"

UCAR Cheyenne

Compared to the default version (tuned for TAMU Ada), NCAR Cheyenne needs some modification (as of Oct/10/2017) for the following reasons:

On Cheyenne, mpiifort and mpiicc are present in proper location (path set using “module load” command) but they do not work. So, some of the files need to be edited to set mpif90 and mpicc as default compilers.

pnetcdf library is available on Cheyenne (module load pnetcdf/1.8.0) but there is absolutely no documentation online about the “filesystem-hints” (while installing pio) and the environmental variables (needed at runtime, like “striping_unit”). Hence use CRESM without pnetcdf on Cheyenne.

makefile for ROMS includes a check for the version of “make” but it do not have the version 4.0 (which is the one available on Cheyenne) in the check list.

The default modules worked fine on Cheyenne. A list of loaded modules are given below.

[user@comp]$ module list
1) ncarenv/1.2    3) ncarcompilers/0.4.1   5) netcdf/
2) intel/17.0.1   4) mpt/2.15f

The complete list of modifications to port default CRESM on to NCAR Cheyenne is given below.

Before installing libraries (Section [sec:lib])

Edit build_mct.sh entry for “MPIFC” as follows (before mct installation)
export MPIFC=mpif90

Edit build_pio.sh with correct entries for MPIFC and MPICC and remove any reference to pnetcdf (before installing pio). The edited build_pio.sh is given below.

export CC=icc
export FC=ifort
export MPIFC=mpif90
export MPICC=mpicc
export MCT_PATH=/glade/p/work/...../Models/CRESM/lib/mct
export NETCDF_PATH=/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/netcdf/...../17.0.1
./configure --prefix=/glade/p/work/...../Models/CRESM/lib/pio

Before compilation (Section [sec:comp])

Edit the “configure” file (cresm-1.0.0/configure) as follows:

change following line from:
    for ac_prog in mpiifort mpif90 mpfort
    for ac_prog in mpif90 mpiifort mpfort
and following line from
    for ac_prog in mpiicc mpicc mpcc
    for ac_prog in mpicc mpiicc mpcc

Edit ROMS makefile (cresm-1.0.0/models/ocn/roms/makefile) as follows:

change following line from:
    NEED_VERSION := 3.80 3.81 3.82
    NEED_VERSION := 3.80 3.81 3.82 4.0

Edit “run_config.sh” (cresm-1.0.0/run_config.sh) to remove the entry for pnetcdf (“\(--\)with-pnetcdf=/path/to/pnetcdf”)(also see Section [sec:nopnet])

Before running (Section [sec:run])

Edit WRF input file (namelist.input in run directory) entries for io_form_history & restart as follows (value 2 is for non-pnetcdf case and value 11 is for pnetcdf case (see Section [sec:nopnet])

io_form_history = 2
io_form_restart = 2

Edit “run_cresm.job” (run directory) to remove any entries specific to pnetcdf (like striping_unit, see Section 1.1).