Contributing to RCESM

Contributing to RCESM source code

Updating This Document

The source files for this webiste and the RCESM documentation are contained within the GitHub repository at: . To update the content of these web pages follow these simple steps.

  1. Check out a copy of the repository, and go to the docs/source sub directory.

git clone rcesm_docs
git checkout gh-pages
cd rcesm_docs/_sources
  1. Edit the exist re-Structured text files (.rst) or add new sections to the documentation by creating a new file with a “.rst” extension, and adding it’s name to the Table of Contents in the index.rst file. The new file must have the following code at the top of the file and content can be specified via HTML or markdown. So, a new file about ROMS configuration options, for example could be named “roms_config.rst” and the top of the file would look like:

.. _roms_config:

ROMS Configuration Options
  1. Build the HTML pages from the documentation. The machine to build the source must have python and Sphinx installed. The example code below works on any CGD linux machine:

module load lang/python/2.7.14
make html
  1. Save and commit your changes to the repository master branch.

git add _sources/filename.rst
git add filename.html
git commit
git push

Congratulations! The documentation website at should now be updated! You may need to wait a minute or two, or refresh the page a few times to clear the cashe before your changes show up.