5. Modifying the configuration files¶
Adding the new grid to R-CESM¶
In order to add the newly-created domain to R-CESM, we need to make changes to the following configuration files.
This configuration file needs to be edited in three sections. Under <grids>, we specify the grid name/alias and the name of the grids for each component.<model_grid alias="txlw27k_gom27k"> <grid name="atm">txlw27k</grid> <grid name="lnd">txlw27k</grid> <grid name="ocnice">gom27k</grid> </model_grid>The actual definition of the grid/domain files occur further down in this file, under <domains>. We need to specify the grid dimensions, path and description for each domain.
<domain name="txlw27k"> <nx>89</nx> <ny>79</ny> <file grid="atm|lnd">$DIN_LOC_ROOT/share/domains/domain.atmlnd.txlw27k_gom27k.210706.nc</file> <desc>27km Gulf of Mexico for Wrf, to pair with gom27k in xRoms</desc> </domain> <domain name="gom27k"> <nx>273</nx> <ny>242</ny> <file grid="ocnice">$DIN_LOC_ROOT/share/domains/gom_lr_docn_grd.210705.nc</file> <desc>27km Gulf of Mexico grid for xRoms</desc> </domain>The definition of the mapping files, required by the coupler to regrid between components, occurs under the <gridmaps> section.
<gridmap atm_grid="txlw27k" ocn_grid="gom27k"> <map name="ATM2OCN_FMAPNAME">atm/wrf/tx27k_g27x/map_a2o_aave.nc</map> <map name="ATM2OCN_SMAPNAME">atm/wrf/tx27k_g27x/map_a2o_aave.nc</map> <map name="ATM2OCN_VMAPNAME">atm/wrf/tx27k_g27x/map_a2o_aave.nc</map> <map name="OCN2ATM_FMAPNAME">atm/wrf/tx27k_g27x/map_o2a_aave.nc</map> <map name="OCN2ATM_SMAPNAME">atm/wrf/tx27k_g27x/map_o2a_aave.nc</map> </gridmap>Note
For Contributors: Note that the CIME code base is maintained in a seperate repository from R-CESM, so changes to this file will need a seperate commit and pull request from any other changes to the code base.
This paragraph might be rendered in a custom way.
If adding a grid for the WRF atmospheric component, it is currently required to add an if endif clause in thewrf.buildnml.csh
file to include the following:
Copy or symlink the WRF grid and BC files (wrfbdy_d01, wrfinput_d01, wrflowinp_d01) from the $DIN_LOC_ROOT to the run directory.
Copy or symlink the static data files required to run WRF from the $DIN_LOC_ROOT to the run directory.
Copy or write the WRF namelist.input configuration file to to the run directory.
We plan to modify this in the future.
There are a few modifications to this file required if you have a ROMS grid:
You need to add information about the grid size in OCN_NX and OCN_NY in the if endif clause
Copy or symlink the ROMS grid and boundary data from the $DIN_LOC_ROOT to the run directory.
Copy or symlink the X-ROMS(DOCN) docn_ocn_in, docn_in and docn.streams.txt.prescribed from the $DIN_LOC_ROOT to the run directory.
The ROMS header files that specify ROMS settings are based on the domain or grid name. You will need to create a new sub directory of this directory by the name of the new grid and create the necessary namelist and header files within it. Look at the directorycomponents/roms/Apps/gom3x/
as an example.
If your grid is applicable to the CLM (land) component, then these files need to be updated. You may need to specify a land surface start up file (fsurdat
) for the grid, or decide to run with a “cold start”. For more information on creating domain and land surface files see: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.2/clm/models/lnd/clm/doc/UsersGuide/x11573.htmlAnd for more information about CLM 4.0 namelists and start types see: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.2/clm/models/lnd/clm/doc/UsersGuide/x1230.html
- and
If your grid is applicable to the WRF atmospheric component, then these files need to be updated to include your grid and domain. The WRF namelist is built based on the name of the grid WRF is running with, so new grids will need to specify a new section in the wrf.buildnml.csh script. The config_pes.xml file specifies the PE layout that is best for a given grid. There is a default value that should work for most components, but adding a section for your new grid will give you flexibility to update this in the future.
The config_pes.xml file specifies the PE layout that is best for a given grid. There is a default value that should work for most components, but adding a section for your new grid will give you flexibility to update this in the future. Note that it is not common for active atmospheric models to run on the same grid as an active ocean model, so it is very likely that your atmospheric grid will be named differently and specified differently in the
file from your ocean grid.
Creating a New Domain or Regional Set Up¶
Changing the domain, time, or “application” for RCESM requires answering a series of questions in order to determine which files need to be changed or updated to support your new application. Eventually, your goal is to have a compset, a grid, and the needed namelist file support to create a new experiment case from which to run your simulation. Consider these questions to direct the changes needed:
Do you want to use a set of components that has already been defined and tested or a new set?
(See the section above: `RCESM Components`_ ). If you want to use any of these configurations, then you can move on to the next question. If you want
Do you want to use a grid resolution and domain that has already been tested or create a new one?
The RCESM code has been tested and includes support for three different grid/domain sets. These are described in the section above: `RCESM Grids`_ . If one of these supported grids works for your new application, then you can move on to the next question. If you need to add a new domain or grid, there are several files that will need to be updated with grid information, and you will need several coupler domain and mapping files to support it.
This file needs to be edited in two places. Early in the file, grid names and the components to which they apply are specified. Later in the file, the grid domain size and links to the coupler domain file are specified. To see what edits need to be made, search the file for the grid “gom3” and consider how this grid was added to theconfig_grids.xml
file. Note that the CIME code base is maintained in a seperate repository from the RCESM, so changes to this file will need a seperate commit and pull request from any other changes to the code base.components/wrf/bld/wrf.buildnml.csh
If your grid is applicable to the WRF atmospheric component, then these files need to be updated to include your grid and domain. The WRF namelist is built based on the name of the grid WRF is running with, so new grids will need to specify a new section in the wrf.buildnml.csh script. The config_pes.xml file specifies the PE layout that is best for a given grid. There is a default value that should work for most components, but adding a section for your new grid will give you flexibility to update this in the future.components/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_clm4_0.xml
If your grid is applicable to the CLM (land) component, then these files need to be updated. You may need to specify a land surface start up file (fsurdat
) for the grid, or decide to run with a “cold start”. For more information on creating domain and land surface files see: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.2/clm/models/lnd/clm/doc/UsersGuide/x11573.htmlAnd for more information about CLM 4.0 namelists and start types see: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.2/clm/models/lnd/clm/doc/UsersGuide/x1230.html
Much like in WRF, if your grid is applicable to the ROMS ocean component, then these files need to be updated to include your grid and domain. The ROMS namelist is built based on the name of the grid ROMS is running with, so new grids will need to specify a new section in the roms.buildnml.csh script. The config_pes.xml file specifies the PE layout that is best for a given grid. There is a default value that should work for most components, but adding a section for your new grid will give you flexibility to update this in the future. Note that it is not common for active atmospheric models to run on the same grid as an active ocean model, so it is very likely that your atmospheric grid will be named differently and specified differently in theconfig_grids.xml
file from your ocean grid.components/roms/Apps
The ROMS header files that specify ROMS settings are based on the domain or grid name. You will need to create a new sub directory of this directory by the name of the new grid and create the necessary namelist and header files within it. Look at the directorycomponents/roms/Apps/gom3x/
as an example.
Do you want to change the time, date, or physical/parameterization options of an application?
Both ROMS and WRF use CIME xml variables and namelist options to specify various parameters for their runs. To change the date, length of a run or change parameterizations, you will first need to add support for these changes to the appropriate namelist via the namelist generating scripts (
). You may also need to make changes to the ROMS header or namelist files in thecomponents/roms/Apps
directory. Once this is all done, you can create an experiment case for your application from which you can set up your runs. To learn more about creating a case, changing xml variables, and running the model, see the CRESM Quick Start guide <https://ncar.github.io/TAMURegionalCESM/quickstart.html>.