RCESM Configurations

The current RCESM system was developed around a coupled Gulf of Mexico configuration to try and repeat the results of the TAMU version of the model as closely as possible. During development of the model, several different component configurations and grid resolutions were tested. This document gives a brief description of these component configurations (compsets) and grids, as well as the machines that are generally supported by the CESM/CIME software used in the RCESM.

RCESM Components

Available compsets

During the course of a CESM/RCESM run, the model components integrate forward in time, periodically exchanging information with the coupler. The coupler meanwhile receives fields from the component models, computes, maps, and merges this information, then sends the fields back to the component models. The coupler brokers this sequence of communication interchanges and manages the overall time progression of the coupled system. A RCESM component set is comprised of eight components: one component from each model (atm, lnd, rof, ocn, ice, glc, wav, and esp) plus the coupler.

The active (dynamical) components available in RCESM include the WRF atmosphere, ROMS ocean and CLM land model. Because the active models are relatively expensive to run, data models that cycle input data are included for testing and spin-up. Stub components exist only to satisfy interface requirements when the component is not needed for the model configuration (e.g., the active ocean component forced with atmospheric data does not need land or glc components, so lnd and glc stubs are used).

Compsets in CESM/RCESM describe which components are active and their basic configurations for the run. RCESM currently supports four different configurations of WRF, ROMS, CLM and various data or stub components.


Components Used


atmosphere - WRF , ocean - data, ice - data, land - CLM 4.0


atmosphere - data, ocean - ROMS, ice - stub, land - stub


atmosphere - data, ocean - ROMS*, ice - stub, land - stub


atmosphere - WRF , ocean - ROMS*, ice - data, land - CLM 4.0

  • indicates that the ROMS ocean component has been extended via XROMS

  • Note that the compsets describe the active components used in an experiment, and also the start date and forcing data, but not the domain or grid size. Thus, the PKWUS2003 compset can be used for the Gulf of Mexico case, if the start date is changed before runtime with the command

./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=2010-01-01

Creating a new component set

To create a new configuration, you will need to create a new compset in the config_compsets.xml file in the cime_config subdirectory of your desired active component. For example, a new compset with a WRF atmosphere should go in the my_rcesm_sandbox/components/wrf/cime_config/config_compsets.xml file. There is documentation and examples on how to specify compsets in each of the config_compset.xml files in RCESM.


If you want to add an entirely new component model to RCESM, please read the CIME documentation on this process at: https://esmci.github.io/cime/build_cpl/adding-components.html


Available resolutions/grids

RCESM code has been tested to support three different grid/domain sets.




A 12km Western US domain. Ocean, land, and atmosphere all on the same grid. Has not been tested with ROMS.


A 3km Gulf of Mexico domain for ROMS only (not extended). Data atmosphere on the same grid.


A 9km atmosphere grid and 3km ocean grid (extended for XROMS) in the Gulf of Mexico (as used for the coupled simulation test case).

Once the model resolution is set, components will read in appropriate grid files and the coupler will read in appropriate mapping weights files. Coupler mapping weights are always generated externally in CESM/RCESM. The components will send the grid data to the coupler at initialization, and the coupler will check that the component grids are consistent with each other and with the mapping weights files.

In CESM and RCESM, the ocean and ice must be on the same grid, but the atmosphere, land, river runoff and land ice can each be on different grids. Each component determines its own unique grid decomposition based upon the total number of pes or processing elements assigned to that component.

Creating a new grid

If you need to add a new domain or grid, there are several files that will need to be updated with grid information, and you will need several coupler domain and mapping files to support it.

  • cime/config/cesm/config_grids.xml This file needs to be edited in two places. Early in the file, grid names and the components to which they apply are specified. Later in the file, the grid domain size and links to the coupler domain file are specified. To see what edits need to be made, search the file for the grid “gom3” and consider how this grid was added to the config_grids.xml file. Note that the CIME code base is maintained in a seperate repository from the RCESM, so changes to this file will need a seperate commit and pull request from any other changes to the code base.

  • components/wrf/bld/wrf.buildnml.csh and components/wrf/cime_config/config_pes.xml If your grid is applicable to the WRF atmospheric component, then these files need to be updated to include your grid and domain. The WRF namelist is built based on the name of the grid WRF is running with, so new grids will need to specify a new section in the wrf.buildnml.csh script. The config_pes.xml file specifies the PE layout that is best for a given grid. There is a default value that should work for most components, but adding a section for your new grid will give you flexibility to update this in the future.

  • components/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_clm4_0.xml and components/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_clm4_0.xml If your grid is applicable to the CLM (land) component, then these files need to be updated. You may need to specify a land surface start up file (fsurdat) for the grid, or decide to run with a “cold start”. For more information on creating domain and land surface files see: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.2/clm/models/lnd/clm/doc/UsersGuide/x11573.html

    And for more information about CLM 4.0 namelists and start types see: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.2/clm/models/lnd/clm/doc/UsersGuide/x1230.html

  • components/roms/bld/roms.buildnml.csh and components/roms/cime_config/config_pes.xml Much like in WRF, if your grid is applicable to the ROMS ocean component, then these files need to be updated to include your grid and domain. The ROMS namelist is built based on the name of the grid ROMS is running with, so new grids will need to specify a new section in the roms.buildnml.csh script. The config_pes.xml file specifies the PE layout that is best for a given grid. There is a default value that should work for most components, but adding a section for your new grid will give you flexibility to update this in the future. Note that it is not common for active atmospheric models to run on the same grid as an active ocean model, so it is very likely that your atmospheric grid will be named differently and specified differently in the config_grids.xml file from your ocean grid.

  • components/roms/Apps The ROMS header files that specify ROMS settings are based on the domain or grid name. You will need to create a new sub directory of this directory by the name of the new grid and create the necessary namelist and header files within it. Look at the directory components/roms/Apps/gom3x/ as an example.

Creating a New Domain or Regional Set Up

Changing the domain, time, or “application” for RCESM requires answering a series of questions in order to determine which files need to be changed or updated to support your new application. Eventually, your goal is to have a compset, a grid, and the needed namelist file support to create a new experiment case from which to run your simulation. Consider these questions to direct the changes needed:

  1. Do you want to use a set of components that has already been defined and tested or a new set?

    (See the section above: RCESM Components ). If you want to use any of these configurations, then you can move on to the next question. If you want

  2. Do you want to use a grid resolution and domain that has already been tested or create a new one?

    The RCESM code has been tested and includes support for three different grid/domain sets. These are described in the section above: RCESM Grids . If one of these supported grids works for your new application, then you can move on to the next question. If you need to add a new domain or grid, there are several files that will need to be updated with grid information, and you will need several coupler domain and mapping files to support it.

    • cime/config/cesm/config_grids.xml This file needs to be edited in two places. Early in the file, grid names and the components to which they apply are specified. Later in the file, the grid domain size and links to the coupler domain file are specified. To see what edits need to be made, search the file for the grid “gom3” and consider how this grid was added to the config_grids.xml file. Note that the CIME code base is maintained in a seperate repository from the RCESM, so changes to this file will need a seperate commit and pull request from any other changes to the code base.

    • components/wrf/bld/wrf.buildnml.csh and components/wrf/cime_config/config_pes.xml If your grid is applicable to the WRF atmospheric component, then these files need to be updated to include your grid and domain. The WRF namelist is built based on the name of the grid WRF is running with, so new grids will need to specify a new section in the wrf.buildnml.csh script. The config_pes.xml file specifies the PE layout that is best for a given grid. There is a default value that should work for most components, but adding a section for your new grid will give you flexibility to update this in the future.

    • components/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_clm4_0.xml and components/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_clm4_0.xml If your grid is applicable to the CLM (land) component, then these files need to be updated. You may need to specify a land surface start up file (fsurdat) for the grid, or decide to run with a “cold start”. For more information on creating domain and land surface files see: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.2/clm/models/lnd/clm/doc/UsersGuide/x11573.html

      And for more information about CLM 4.0 namelists and start types see: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.2/clm/models/lnd/clm/doc/UsersGuide/x1230.html

    • components/roms/bld/roms.buildnml.csh and components/roms/cime_config/config_pes.xml Much like in WRF, if your grid is applicable to the ROMS ocean component, then these files need to be updated to include your grid and domain. The ROMS namelist is built based on the name of the grid ROMS is running with, so new grids will need to specify a new section in the roms.buildnml.csh script. The config_pes.xml file specifies the PE layout that is best for a given grid. There is a default value that should work for most components, but adding a section for your new grid will give you flexibility to update this in the future. Note that it is not common for active atmospheric models to run on the same grid as an active ocean model, so it is very likely that your atmospheric grid will be named differently and specified differently in the config_grids.xml file from your ocean grid.

    • components/roms/Apps The ROMS header files that specify ROMS settings are based on the domain or grid name. You will need to create a new sub directory of this directory by the name of the new grid and create the necessary namelist and header files within it. Look at the directory components/roms/Apps/gom3x/ as an example.

  3. Do you want to change the time, date, or physical/parameterization options of an application?

    Both ROMS and WRF use CIME xml variables and namelist options to specify various parameters for their runs. To change the date, length of a run or change parameterizations, you will first need to add support for these changes to the appropriate namelist via the namelist generating scripts (components/wrf/bld/wrf.buildnml.csh and/or components/roms/bld/roms.buildnml.csh). You may also need to make changes to the ROMS header or namelist files in the components/roms/Apps directory. Once this is all done, you can create an experiment case for your application from which you can set up your runs. To learn more about creating a case, changing xml variables, and running the model, see the CRESM Quick Start guide <https://ncar.github.io/TAMURegionalCESM/quickstart.html>.

RCESM and CESM2 Machines

Scripts for supported machines and userdefined machines are provided with the RCESM and CESM release. Machines are supported in RCESM/CESM on an individual basis and are usually listed by their common site-specific name. To get a machine ported and functionally supported in RCESM, local batch, run, environment, and compiler information must be configured in the CIME scripts. The machine name “userdefined” machines refer to any machine that the user defines and requires that a user edit the resulting xml files to fill in information required for the target platform. This functionality is handy in accelerating the porting process and quickly getting a case running on a new platform. For more information on porting, see the CIME porting guide. The list of available machines are documented in CESM supported machines. Running query_config with the --machines option will also show the list of all machines for the current local version of CESM. Supported machines have undergone the full CESM porting process. The machines available in each of these categories changes as access to machines change over time.

For the RCESM, three new machines are supported in our version of CIME that may or may not be supported by CESM. These include Ada, Terra and Stampede2.