Monthly River Run-off Data Page

Global Attributes 12

title RTM History file information
comment NOTE: None of the variables are weighted by land fraction!
Conventions CF-1.0
history created on 12/25/19 22:08:38
source Community Land Model CLM4.0
hostname sunway
username cesm01
version cesm1_3_beta17
revision_id $Id: histFileMod.F90 36692 2012-04-27 18:39:55Z tcraig $
case_title UNSET
case_id B.E.13.BHISTC5.ne120_t12.sehires38.003.sunway

Dimension Shape 12

time 120

type dtype(float32)
long_name time
units days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00
calendar noleap
bounds time_bounds

lon 720

type dtype(float32)
long_name runoff coordinate longitude
units degrees_east

lat 360

type dtype(float32)
long_name runoff coordinate latitude
units degrees_north

hist_interval 2

WARNING does not contain variable attributes

string_length 8

WARNING does not contain variable attributes

string1 1

WARNING does not contain variable attributes

mcdate 120

type dtype(int32)
long_name current date (YYYYMMDD)

mcsec 120

type dtype(int32)
long_name current seconds of current date
units s

mdcur 120

type dtype(int32)
long_name current day (from base day)

mscur 120

type dtype(int32)
long_name current seconds of current day

nstep 120

type dtype(int32)
long_name time step

time_bounds 240

type dtype(float64)
long_name history time interval endpoints

Variables Information 6

QCHANR (time, lat, lon) 31104000

type dtype(float32)
_FillValue 1e+36
long_name RTM river flow: LIQ
units m3/s
cell_methods time: mean
missing_value 1e+36

date_written (time, string_length, string1) 960

type dtype(S1)

QCHANR_ICE (time, lat, lon) 31104000

type dtype(float32)
_FillValue 1e+36
long_name RTM river flow: ICE
units m3/s
cell_methods time: mean
missing_value 1e+36

QCHOCNR (time, lat, lon) 31104000

type dtype(float32)
_FillValue 1e+36
long_name RTM river discharge into ocean: LIQ
units m3/s
cell_methods time: mean
missing_value 1e+36

time_written (time, string_length, string1) 960

type dtype(S1)

QCHOCNR_ICE (time, lat, lon) 31104000

type dtype(float32)
_FillValue 1e+36
long_name RTM river discharge into ocean: ICE
units m3/s
cell_methods time: mean
missing_value 1e+36

Data Notes

Download links


To download all the files automatically with wget, please download the rof file list and run with wget -i rof_list.txt or cat rof_list.txt | parallel --gnu "wget {}" to use GNU Parallel to download the files in parallel.

You also have the option to browse and download variables selectively using the links provided for each variable
VariableSize X TypeDescriptionData CoverageDownload link
QCHANR (time, lat, lon) 31104000 X (float32) RTM river flow: LIQ (m3/s) 1850-01 - 2006-11 THREDDS
date_written (time, string_length, string1) 960 X (S1) 1850-01 - 2006-11 THREDDS
QCHANR_ICE (time, lat, lon) 31104000 X (float32) RTM river flow: ICE (m3/s) 1850-01 - 2006-11 THREDDS
QCHOCNR (time, lat, lon) 31104000 X (float32) RTM river discharge into ocean: LIQ (m3/s) 1850-01 - 2006-11 THREDDS
time_written (time, string_length, string1) 960 X (S1) 1850-01 - 2006-11 THREDDS
QCHOCNR_ICE (time, lat, lon) 31104000 X (float32) RTM river discharge into ocean: ICE (m3/s) 1850-01 - 2006-11 THREDDS
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